We have three M151 series vehicles for sale to include an M151A2, an M151A1 an early M151 and truck loads of original parts.
1. M151A2 This vehicle was recovered from a bombing range in south western Arizona twenty five years ago. We did a little work on it and used it as a local desert runner for more than twenty years. It is a former US Air Force radio truck with radio racks and two sixteen foot tall antennas, originally painted Air Force blue repainted by us in US Army forest green. Five years ago we did a complete overhaul of the entire truck and has not been driven a single mile on five NOS wheels and with zero miles new NDCC tires.……………………………………………………................................……………..$18,500.00




2. M151A1 This vehicle was recovered from the US Army Yuma Proving Ground helicopter gunnery range twenty years ago. We have it set aside for a future restoration. It is a US Army test truck painted a pale olive drab for desert use. It was repainted white for use as a target. The engine block was destroyed by a thermite munition. We have a complete engine included in the deal…………...............….$2,500.00 |
3. M151 This vehicle was recovered from the US Army Yuma Proving Ground Surplus Equipment Sales Division twenty years ago. It is in excellent condition. It is a US Army test truck painted in desert tan. It was used as a test vehicle and has had the fenders professionally trimmed to allow the use of large off road tires for deep sand tire testing. We pulled out the well worn power plant and have a brand new out of the crate NOS power plant ready to install. It has five rare alloy wheels with zero miles new NDCC tires, a deep water fording kit and a sixteen foot tall radio antenna and radio rack installed……..……$12,500.00 |
4. PARTS We have hundreds of original parts for these vehicles to include engines, transmissions, front and rear axle assemblies, wheels, brakes, wire harnesses, windshields, seats, top bows, door frames, radiator guards, lights, antennas and brackets and so on. These items will be included with the purchase of the entire collection or as a lot at………...…...................................................................…….$4,500.00 |
Price for the entire collection to include three trucks and parts………..............………$33,500.00