All Willys Jeep vehicles used the Ross Gear Type III twin lever fixed stud steering gear with two tapered studs permanently seated in the sector shaft.
Minor differences between vehicles models include the size of the steering gear housing and the steering gear housing mounting face to the vehicle frame.
Steering gear service, adjustment and rebuilding is basically the same on all Willys Jeep vehicles.
The maintenance manuals that we list below offer the most detailed instructions for rebuilding the Ross steering gears used on all Willys Jeep Vehicles.
TM 9-8615 (Formerly TM 9-1838A) (1953)
This is an ORIGINAL REPRODUCTIONS high quality reprint of a 1953 Department of the Army Publication. This Technical Manual is published for the information and guidance of personnel responsible for field and depot maintenance of this materiel. It contains information on maintenance which is beyond the scope of tools, equipment, or supplies normally available to using organizations. This manual does not contain information which is intended primarily for the using organization, since such information is available to ordnance maintenance personnel in the pertinent operator's technical manuals or field manuals. This manual contains a description of and procedure for dissassembly, inspection, repair, rebuild, and assembly of the steering gears manufactured by Ross Gear and Tool company. The appendix contains a list of current references, including supply manuals, technical manuals, and other available publications applicapable to the materiel. This Technical Manual is 112 pages, 8.5" x 11", three hole punched with card stock covers.
$ 25.00
TM9-1803B (1944)
WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL ORDNANCE MAINTENANCE Power Train, Body, and Frame for 1/4-Ton 4x4 Truck (Willys-Overland Model MB and Ford Model GPW) |
This is an ORIGINAL REPRODUCTIONS high quality reprint of a 1944 United States War Department Publication. The instructions contained in this manual are for the information and guidance of personnel charged with the the maintenance and repair of the power train, body, and frame of the 1/4 ton 4x4 trucks. This manual contains a description of, and procedure for inspection removal, disassembly, and repair of the transmission, transfer case, axles, body and frame. This manual is 148 pages 5.5" x 9", card stock covers and bound. |
$ 25.00
TM9-1804B/TO 19-75CAJ-2 (1952)
This is an ORIGINAL REPRODUCTIONS high quality reprint of a 1952 Departments of the Army and the Air Force Publication. This Technical Manual is published for the information and guidance of personnel responsible for field and depot maintenance of this materiel. The instructions herein contain information on maintenance which is beyond the scope of tools, equipment, or supplies normally available to using organizations. This manual does not contain information which is intended primarily for the using organization, since such information is available to ordnance maintenance personnel in the pertinent operator's technical manuals. This manual contains a description of and procedure for removal, disassembly, inspection, repair, rebuild, and assembly of the transmission, transfer, axles, body, and frame for the 1/4-ton 4x4 utility truck M38. This Technical Manual is 202 pages, 5.5" x 9", bound with card stock covers. |
$ 28.00
TM9-8015-2/TO 19-75CAJ-5 (1954)
This is an ORIGINAL REPRODUCTIONS high quality reprint of a 1954 Departments of the Army an the Air Force Publication. This Technical Manual is published for the information and guidance of personnel responsible for field and depot maintenance of this materiel. The instructions herein contain information on maintenance which is beyond the scope of tools, equipment, or supplies normally available to using organizations. This manual does not contain information which is intended primarily for the using organization, since such information is available to ordanance maintenance personnel in the pertinent operator's technical manual or field manuals. This manual contains a description of and procedures for removal, disassembly, inspection, repair, rebuild, and assembly of the power train, body and frame of the 1/4 ton 4x4 utility truck M38A1. This Technical Manual is 311 pages, 5.5" x 9", perfect bound with card stock covers |
$ 39.00